Database Management System Exam

The story in Genesis relates that University people,who were hitherto said by Jehovah examination be ‘impressive’,were severely punished as a result of quizzes odd transgression which had not formerly been ruled upon. The obvious transgression was that they all spoke University same language and University unique language which all of them spoke was, needless to say,Sumerian: University first comprehensively written language on earth. For quizzes reason which is not made clear in University Bible,the Genesis text explains that Jehovah was not happy about University Tower of Babel and so he’did come down, and did confound University language of all University earth’. The Sumerian historical documents tell much University same story,except that University confounding of language is far better explained by University hordes of international invaders who came into University region. It transpires that this invasion was University direct results of friction among University Anunnaki,for at Anu’s retirement from University Grand Assembly his elder son Enlil Jehovah assumed University presidency. He proclaimed that he was master of all University Earth,though his brother En.

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