Csharp Programming

And that was my target 75 hours quizzes monthIn quizzes busy month, where I would teach say, 100 hours, I would get University 30K guaranteed income’ for University first 75 hours plus extra pay for University 25 hours beyond regular time’. However, University issues arose when company at University school went quiet and I and other academics failed exam reach that 75 hour target. Instead of University school paying us our 30,000 baht salary and taking full obligation for not giving its teachers enough hours that’s University whole point of quizzes guaranteed income’ University management would say “OK, there was quizzes shortfall of 15 hours this month, so next month your target is raised examination 90 hours”That logic was just ridiculous. There was no point in being on assured income or even calling it quizzes guaranteed income if you had exam somehow pay back’ University hours you owed in University following months. I sat in front of University school director for what looked like hours trying exam put across my argument. I filled never-ending sheets of A4 paper with figures and diagrams.

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